It’s not AI that will replace you. It’s your competition using AI that will. ~Jensen Huang
Find a need and fulfill it. Successful businesses are founded on the needs of people. ~A. G. Gaston
It always looks impossible until it's done. ~Nelson Mandela
If you’re creating a company, it’s important to limit the number of miracles in series. Start with something that’s the most doable and then expand from there. ~Elon Musk
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~Alexander Graham Bell
God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear. ~Ruby Dee
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. ~Amelia Earhart
Software being "Done" is like lawn being "Mowed". ~Jim Benson
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~Mark Twain
Everybody told me no at first, including my wife. I turned the nos into yeses and the disadvantages into advantages. ~John H. Johnson
The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up. ~Mae C. Jemison
Why is it important to have a sense of urgency in business? What steps are YOU taking to maintain a sense of urgency in your life?
Recently, I had the opportunity to respond to something with an investor, and I could have waited to respond. But I decided to move with urgency instead.
Adrian Diaz, Colby Fryar, and I spend a lot of time looking at deals. In the above video, we discuss some of the factors we consider before moving forward on a property.
We review hundreds of deals together before we find one that we want to purchase. We’ve go through underwriting, touring, making offers, negotiating, disappointment, success, stability, and challenges.