Getting Started With Jekyll

Jekyll, the static HTML generator.

Jekyll is a static HTML generator for web sites that don’t require a content management system (CMS). Jekyll sites load quickly, especially when combined with GitHub Pages. Bobby Reyes and I will present Jekyll at ChicagoRuby: 1871 on Thursday, June 25, 2015. Slides are below.

Why Jekyll?

You may already know that is powered by [Octopress]( (as of the date of this article).

Update: Migration complete! Octopress sits on top of Jekyll. Recently, I discovered that Jekyll offers some advantages that will help this blog greatly, namely:

Migration Happening Now

This blog's migration from Octopress to Jekyll is underway. I’ll post when it’s done.

Update: The migration from Octopress to Jekyll is complete, and you’re reading it now! In the meantime, take a look at the slides from the Jekyll presentation at ChicagoRuby.

This 82-second video shows how to launch a Jekyll site with the default template.

### Thanks, Octopress! I am grateful to the Octopress community for introducing me to static page generators. Jekyll is the next logical step for me. And, since technology is always changing, it will be exciting to learn what's next.
