ChicagoRuby Video Procedure

Updated: November 1, 2016

ChicagoRuby posts meeting videos every month. Here’s how. If you have ideas for improvement, feel free to share via the contact form.

Tools Required

iPod Touch and tripod mount

Steps Required

Video Shooting

  1. Make sure that the previous month’s videos have been deleted from the iPod. Yes, we have run out of space before, and it’s not fun!

  2. Setup the camera with the tripod and shoot the video.

  3. After the shoot, and as soon as possible, make a backup of the video on your laptop.

  4. Give the iPod Touch to the video editor at 8th Light.

  5. After the video editor has posted the new video online, feel free to delete your backup video. But not before. Don’t tempt fate!

Video Editing

No fancy editing required. Viewers want the content as quickly as possible, 48 hours or less. To save time, we just trim the intro and the outro.

Photos app on Mac OS X

  1. Attach the iPod Touch to your laptop using a USB cable.

  2. The iPod Touch might ask if you trust the computer. Choose yes.

  3. Open the Photos app on the Mac.

  4. In the left column, under the Import section, click on the RTH-iPod5-Touch line.

  5. Choose all of the videos and click Import Selected.

  6. Let the Mac import the videos. When it’s done, you can disconnect the camera and put it away for future use.

  7. Open the video in QuickTime. Trim the intro & outro. Combine any video clips that were separated.

  8. Save the edited video file as anywhere where it’s convenient, like on the desktop.

Video Upload

  1. Upload the video to the ChicagoRuby account at our video service, currently Vimeo.

  2. Fill in the meeting description information on Vimeo. You can use for reference.

  3. Log into the Take the new videeo LIVE by referencing it at Vimeo.

Video Publicity

  1. After the video appears live on, ask another member of the team to proofread everything. I make tons of mistrakes mistakes when I try to proofread my own stuff.

  2. Share the link with the marketing team so thaat they can tweet and blog about the new video at will.

  3. Congratulations… you’re done!

If you have questions or ideas for improvement, let’s hear them. Thanks!