Design and Big Ideas

WisdomGroup is hiring a web design intern. Our current volume of work requires it. The ideal candidate will share our beliefs about design, summarized as…

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. ~Steve Jobs

Great design is functional and inspiring. Autodesk captures the idea in this ad from several years ago:

Text from the Autodesk ad:

For every serious challenge facing the world there is someone with a big idea. That big idea needs to be nurtured. It needs to be explored and analyzed in order to bring it to life.

And design is at the core of that innovation.

Our technology gives innovators the ability to see how their ideas perform and behave. To exprience it before it’s real.

There isn’t a problem in the world that a great designer can’t solve.

If you know a solid candidate for WisdomGroup’s Web Design Internship, please point them to the job description. Thanks.
