It’s not AI that will replace you. It’s your competition using AI that will. ~Jensen Huang
Find a need and fulfill it. Successful businesses are founded on the needs of people. ~A. G. Gaston
It always looks impossible until it's done. ~Nelson Mandela
If you’re creating a company, it’s important to limit the number of miracles in series. Start with something that’s the most doable and then expand from there. ~Elon Musk
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~Alexander Graham Bell
God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear. ~Ruby Dee
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. ~Amelia Earhart
Software being "Done" is like lawn being "Mowed". ~Jim Benson
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~Mark Twain
Everybody told me no at first, including my wife. I turned the nos into yeses and the disadvantages into advantages. ~John H. Johnson
The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up. ~Mae C. Jemison
Due diligence the formal process that the ROIClear team goes through when inspecting a property before acquisition. Our investors trust us to thoroughly review all aspects of a property before we move forward. We always bring a big team on-site when we go through DD.
Our company, ROIClear, buys multifamily apartment properties and improves them so that we can give people a great place to live. We are stewards over our investors’ money, and we say NO to a lot of deals. We sift through hundreds of deals before closing on one.
And it makes us smile when we can finally say yes!
Something that excites me about the real estate business: It it possible to structure deals so that everybody wins.
Residents win when we buy a property and improve it. We’re giving them a great place to live.
Investors win because our improvements make it possible for the property to generate more income. The additional income is shared between our investors and our team.
Wonderful things happen when we structure a deal in the right way!
The only rules are the ones dictated by the laws of physics. Everything else is a recommendation.
-Elon Musk
Walter Isaacson has done a thorough job of documenting the business adventures of Elon Musk in his 2023 biography.
Throughout the book, Isaacson refers to The Algorithm, a five-point checklist that Musk employs whenever he faces a tough business or engineering challenge. This post offers a brief discussion of The Algorithm.
For a deeper examination, I encourage you to read Isaacson’s book.