13 Jun 2016
The Internet of Things (IoT) is new, roughly where the web was in the early 1990s (before Amazon or Google). WindyCityThings is a conference for IoT professionals. This year, we’re offering special discounts for educators and students, especially those involved in STEM.
What is IoT and why might you care? This article will give a brief answer. Let’s start with a 60-second video.
There’s still time to be an early adopter in IoT. Here’s why.
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08 May 2016

A big “thank you” to the organizers of RubyConf Kenya for inviting me to present on Parallella and on entrepreneurship. Rich learning and networking were had by all.
I was especially impressed with M-Pesa, the mobile payment system used throughout Kenya. M-Pesa is a disruptive blend of financial technology, UX, and ecosystem management. Local devs are writing financial apps that leverage the M-Pesa platform. Banks are already being disrupted by M-Pesa, and the topic is worth a separate post on this blog.
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11 Apr 2016

What do we learn when we solve the same problem in Ruby, C, and Go? How might the solutions differ in flexibility, readability, and performance?
The Hashrocket team presented a snake_case
programming challenge during Ancient City Ruby last week. Nineteen attendees submitted correct solutions. Three of the solvers were selected at random to receive a prize: Raspberry Pi 3.
One of the solvers, Jack Christensen of Hashrocket, gave a lightning talk about his approach. The contest called for a solution in Ruby. Jack added two more languages: C and Go.
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08 Apr 2016
Hashrocket launched Ancient City Ruby in 2013 and the conference has grown ever since. Participants come from around the world: Some to speak, some to learn, some to pair-program with the Hashrocket team for days (or weeks) after the conference.
I am grateful to the organizers for inviting me to present Get Ready for Parallel Programming Featuring Parallella this year.
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04 Apr 2016

The Pine64 is a single board computer with four 64-bit cores. The device runs Linux, and prices start at US$15.00. The company raised $1.7 million in their Jan 2016 Kickstarter campaign.
This post tells how to get a brand new Pine64 up and running using Mac OS X for image download and creation. Gotchas are included. Finally, we will compare the Pine64 with another multi-core single board computer, Parallella.
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