All coins have three sides: Heads, tails, and edge. ~-Robert Kiyosaki
Find a need and fulfill it. Successful businesses are founded on the needs of people. ~A. G. Gaston
It always looks impossible until it's done. ~Nelson Mandela
If you’re creating a company, it’s important to limit the number of miracles in series. Start with something that’s the most doable and then expand from there. ~Elon Musk
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~Alexander Graham Bell
God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear. ~Ruby Dee
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. ~Amelia Earhart
Software being "Done" is like lawn being "Mowed". ~Jim Benson
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~Mark Twain
Everybody told me no at first, including my wife. I turned the nos into yeses and the disadvantages into advantages. ~John H. Johnson
The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up. ~Mae C. Jemison
Let’s talk about software and leave our past behind. ~Juan Pablo Buritica
Juan Pablo Buritica and his team from Ride organized RubyConf Colombia in Medellín this month. The organizers ran JSConf Colombia concurrently with the Ruby conference. What a feat of logistical legerdemain!
Yes, the technical presentations were powerful. Even more inspiring: RubyConf Colombia is a technical conference with a mission to change the reputation of Colombia.
First rule of user research: Never ask anyone what they want. ~Erika Hall, author of “Just Enough Research”
It is popular to view entrepreneurs as risk takers. After 20+ years running WisdomGroup, I’m not sure that’s an accurate view. From what I’ve observed, successful entrepreneurs will reduce risk before launching a venture. Consider a road full of potholes. Most people would avoid such a road. But if the benefits at the end of the road are big enough, an entrepreneur will devise ways to navigate over and around the obstacles.
Some people avoid risk outright. Entrepreneurs reduce risk through creativity.
What an adventure… WindyCityRails 2015 achieved record attendance. Feedback has been amazing. Thank you speakers, sponsors, and attendees for making everything happen so well!
Here’s a 2-minute video recap of WindyCityRails 2015:
WindyCityRails is on track to sell out this year. You could be part of the group that achieves the goal. Use discount code CHICAGORUBY for $50 off before 9/5/2015. Register now.
Something we should know about putting an “@” in the first character position on Twitter…
Limited Visibility
When you start a tweet with a Twitter handle (with the “@” in the first character position) Twitter interprets that as a message to another Twitter user. Only people who follow both the sender and receiver will see the message in their stream.