04 Jan 2016
lunr.js delivers fast search results because the entire search process happens in the browser. There is no network delay because the network never gets touched during the search.

Speed is one reason why this blog uses lunr.js for search. If you run a Jekyll-based blog, this post will tell you how to make lunr.js work for you. Gotchas (and solutions) are shared within.
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02 Jan 2016

This blog is built on three powerful tools, commonly used in the open source community:
Jekyll, the Ruby-based static page generator. Static pages are fast because there’s no database to hit.
GitHub, the collaboration tool for developers. Also useful for hosting and its content delivery network.
lunr.js, which gives visitors fast search capabilities. lunr.js is fast because search requests never hit the network. The entire search workflow happens in the browser.
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17 Dec 2015
Every great technology started as a toy. People played with kites and paper airplanes for thousands of years before the Wright Brothers achieved powered flight. Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage toyed with the analytical engine over a hundred years before the digital computer.
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09 Dec 2015
Thank you to the Chicago Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM Chicago) for inviting me to present Parallella: Supercomputer for Embedded Systems at the December 2015 meeting.
Slides and video appear below.
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08 Dec 2015
Why Headless?
Running a computer “headless” means running it with no display, no keyboard, no mouse. The only directly attached cables are power and a network connection.
Why would you run a computer headless? Headless configurations are typically used in a data center with hundreds of servers and limited space. Since a well-running server rarely needs direct interaction, you can save space (and money) by skipping the monitor/mouse/keyboard installation, and only connecting these devices when needed.
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