29 Sep 2022

High-achieving humans are consistently striving for the next goal. And we tend to beat ourselves up over goals we’ve missed instead of celebrating the goals we’ve accomplished.
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably a high-achieving human. And you may have some experience with self-flagellation. Question for you: If beating yourself up was the path to success, wouldn’t you be perfect by now? The Gap and the Gain, authored by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, offers a better way.
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11 Aug 2022

Your customer should be the hero of the story, not your brand. This is the secret every phenomenally successful business understands.
~Donald Miller, Author
We humans can easily remember stories at a great level of detail, while a ten-bullet list from a PowerPoint presentation is immediately forgotten. Stories are memorable and they induce strong emotions, and that’s why many successful companies use stories when wooing customers.
Now… What kinds of stories are most effective?
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27 Jul 2022

Yesterday afternoon, my partners and I recorded a webinar for the benefit of our investors. We reported on the physical and financial condition of the property, and we shared our plans for moving forward. We shared good news, bad news, and so-so news. Our investors trust us because we treat their hard-earned money as if it were our own. And they know we’ll always keep them informed.
It feels good to be trusted.
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20 Jul 2022

The above photo shows the SpaceX facility in Boca Chica, Texas. While walking the grounds, I was reminded of a question my mother once asked me. “Raymond, do you want to go to space?”
My response: “Yes.”
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14 Jul 2022

When I’m not jumping out of airplanes, you’ll likely find me touring an apartment property or running numbers for a potential investment.
I lead a company called Bridgetown Partners. At Bridgetown, we buy apartment properties, fix them up, and give people a great place to live. Here’s why residents and investors enjoy our work…
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